Thursday, January 26, 2006

"Thinking" Is Half the Battle

In spite of the apparent predestined demise of humanity at the hands of the current world leaders, it must be understood that this fate is NOT inevitable. Believing so makes it so. We could change everything for the better RIGHT NOW if we just changed our thoughts and took responsibility for our actions……and the lack thereof.

We put more energy into discussing how bad things are getting without putting any thought on how good things could be, and actually taking the steps and initiative to make the good things happen. Collectively, we could removed the tyrants from power and successfully make this world a better place. Consider the French Revolution: The common people "literally" stormed the Basilica and ousted the monarchy and restructured the government. We could do the same on a much broader scale.

Because so many people are already accepting defeat - claiming that our re-slavery is inevitable - many aren't motivated to do anything to change things for the better. Many of us are just waiting to die; in the meantime, finding temporary comfort in our PSP Playstations and paychecks.

The powers-that-be are well aware of the fact that once you get someone to "believe" that they are already defeated, that they lose the will to even try to fight. That is exactly where the vast majority of us are now - mentally defeated. Everyone has the "ability" to create positive change. It's just that most don't want the "responsibility" of doing so. Realize that whatever happens to us is our own fault.


Monday, January 23, 2006

Bush Administration: The Image of Truth

As expected – and as stated in the previous blog (“PATRIOTless Act”) – the Bush Administration has begun its’ “fear frenzy” campaign by dangling a tape of its favorite bait and “ace-in-the-hole”, Osama Bin Laden, positing that an impending terrorist attack plot on U.S. soil is near completion. Not unlike the “flashy thing” that Agent K and Agent J used to erase memories in the movie Men In Black, the Bush Administration uses “fear-mongering”; a more obscure means of thought distortion in which the recipients willfully acquiesce under the weight of fear and confusion, effectively directing their attention away from what really matters. Simply put, terror produces blind submission.

This tactic has proven effective on numerous occasions; notably, in the signing of the PATRIOT Act which was passed under the duress of 9/11, and during the London Bombings of 2005 which effectually silenced the British people who were tenaciously pursuing justice and an explanation from the Blair/Bush Administration regarding the “true intent for war” revealed in the Downing Street Memos. An act so abhorrent that even Nostradamus felt compelled to include it in one of his quatrains 450 years prior (click here to read the quatrain and the interpretation).

This is not to insinuate that “real” terrorism (the kind they show you on the news) doesn’t exist. Quite the contrary. Terrorism exists in many forms and in every country. It’s a political tool used to control and dominate with the power of “fear”. And its use is just as prominent in the United States as it is in the Middle East; only differing in overtness and application.

With continuous reports of “multi-level” corruption within the Bush Administration, not to mention the revelations of illegal phone/internet tapping per the request of the president himself; the continuing Hurricane Katrina/Bush/FEMA debacle; illegal torture and detention of prisoners; mounting concerns regarding the “under-equipped” soldiers in Iraq; and growing dissent with the war and the Administration in general, it is imperative that the Bush Administration do something to divert attention away from itself, while simultaneously justifying or downplaying the unjust and unlawful acts that it has committed. They have to make themselves look like the “good guys”.

Not only could an attack on U.S. soil/citizens accomplish this goal, but it will "appear" to justify the existence and need for the PATRIOT Act; placing it in the position to become law, which is ultimately one of the many things that president Bush wants to do – TO CHANGE THE LAWS – and this is not for your safety and protection! For this reason, the Bush Administration is pressing hard to get the ambiguous Judge Alito approved for the Supreme Court, shortly after the withdrawal of the “ill-experienced” Harriet Myers whose nomination wreaked of nothing more than “nepotism”.
Up until recent years, most of us may have believed that one must be reasonably intelligent in order to be President. However, it has been made quite apparent that all one needs is to be "well-connected"; intelligence is an option.

Therefore, it is incumbent upon “the people” to realize and understand that the world of “Politics” is not concerned with Truth, but rather, the “image” of Truth. It matters not “what is”, only how it appears. It is here where major media sources serve their purpose as mere marionettes of the Political Puppet Masters on the stage of democracy. Unlike Pinnochio to Gepetto, major media sources still haven’t learned how to “get a life”; fearing severance of the strings from their source of existence – the Political Right.

We have become fixated on showmanship at the compromise of substance; valuing credentials over character; resulting in a country run by well-dressed, “pious-pretending” tyrants who we allow to condemn the upright and acquit the guilty. The sooner that the populace realizes that the world of “Politics” is devoid of moralistic and ethical values, the sooner we can collectively do what is necessary to change the government to what it is “pretending” to be - a Democracy.
