Thursday, February 09, 2006

The Creation of Chaos

Has it occurred to anyone that all of the chaos that has been popping up around the world as of late are actually orchestrated events that are being used as a "divisive and divertive" tool to direct our attention away from the Big Picture (i.e. the corruption in government, the move to impeach the president, domestic spying, the permanence of the PATRIOT Act, the plan to attack Iran, etc.)?

From the strife revolving around the characterization of the Prophet Mohammed; to the recent church burnings in Alabama; to the anger facilitated at the plan to rezone schools in Georgia to diversify the classes; to the nuclear program in Iran (to name a few); all of these events are old festering wounds that never fully scabbed over; making it easy to create chaos, allowing for the application of the #1 rule in the art of war: Divide and Conquer.

In the South, racial tension is still VERY real; making it easy to create race-related chaos. Between countries - particularly the U.S. and the Middle East - religious differences are EASY to exploit. All over the U.S., the government labels immigrants as a threat to the economy - creating “race” and “class” chaos - while silently and conveniently ignoring the fact that it is big businesses (and thus government) that have benefited the most from immigration.

Consider last year, when the Mexican President - Vicente Fox - made the comment that "Mexicans take the jobs that black people don't want", or when the Mexican "sambo" stamp of Memin Pinguin had Black Americans fuming at the Mexican population/government. Blacks become infuriated with Mexicans, while much of white American and media took the stance that they couldn't imagine someone doing such a thing in this day and age. Yeah, right!!!! When did you ever stop?!?!?

The LAST thing that the powers-that-be want is for humanity to be of ONE MIND and ONE PURPOSE; minorities in particular. Just the sheer thought of Blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans being on the same page politically and socially is a GRAVE threat to white America and the powers-that-be; the REAL minorities. And the unification of the Christian and Muslim faiths is a bigger threat because this crosses the racial and socio-economic boundaries. As long as we remain divided by race, class, religion and such, we are easily manageable. Just imagine if Blacks, Whites, Hispanics, Christians, Muslims, Rich, and Poor came together in one mind to battle the common enemy of Injustice. The ONLY outcome would be "REVOLUTION". The Powers-That-Be will do whatever they can to insure that that DOES NOT occur.

We need to realize that these chaotic events are not mere happenstance. EVERYTHING is happening for a reason; strategically orchestrated and planned like most wars are, and we need to focus on the Big Picture while connecting the dots of the smaller ones. The “created chaos” will serve as a precursor to and justification for the removal of our personal rights and freedoms which will be presented in the guise of “security”.

The government knows us better than many of us know ourselves in terms of how we react to chaos; precisely exploiting our weaknesses of "fear" and "greed". Don't lose focus. The evil that we “really” need to be concerned about is not on the news.


Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Moved By Death

If there is one condition that could be attributed as the principal “motivator” in the current consciousness of Mankind, it would have to be the condition of “death”. From the establishment of the Christian religion which is founded on the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, to the recognition of our great world leaders, our move to appreciate, recognize, and value Life is only expressed at the onset of death; and even then, our efforts are in vain as we focus solely on the “celebration” of ceremonies as opposed to the “sanctity” and/or “spirit” behind them.

From the crucifix that dangles around the necks of many, to the stuffed deer heads over the desks of prideful hunters, to the war medals that drape the breast of decorated soldiers, the effigy of death in society has become a trophy of sorts; one that is ironically celebrated just as much as it is feared.

The majority of technological advancements and discoveries are directed at creating weapons for the removal of life, as opposed to creating tools to create and sustain it. Even worse, we use our beliefs, traditions, and religions to justify the promulgation of death, while simultaneously convincing ourselves that we are supporters of Life.

Therefore, it comes as no surprise than many people have condemned a movie about love between two men (Brokeback Mountain) as a sin, while going in droves to see Hostel and Saw II; two movies about death and torture. In essence, we are hypocrites in our own rite that are entertained by the rush of death and destruction. How ironic is it that we refer to ourselves as a “civil-ization”?

On January 30, 2006, humanity lost a civil rights Matriarch who carried the legacy and “baton of freedom” of a movement that was spearheaded by her late husband, Martin Luther King, Jr. On February 7, 2006, thousands of mourners descended upon New Birth Missionary Baptist Church in Atlanta to pay their last respects to Coretta Scott King. But we each should take the time to sincerely ask ourselves if we ever truly paid our “first” respects. If Mrs. King were still alive, and an announcement was made stating that she was going to give a speech at New Birth Missionary Baptist Church, would the same number of people flock to show their respect? This scenario is arguable; but I’d venture to say that the answer is an emphatic “No”.

So what is it that we’re paying respects too – the life that “is”, or the life that “was”…….or do we merely find comfort in the “appearance” of appreciation? After all, that is why the President was there. Photo Ops come in many shapes sizes and colors. And for the President, this was a good look.

Too many of us feel that merely showing up at a funeral equates to “paying respects”. However, this is about as accurate as surmising that showing up to your job equates to “doing work”. Instead of venturing to pay our “last” respects, we should endeavor to pay a respect that “lasts”; one that embodies the ideals, ideologies and actions that the Kings advocated. The “only” way to honor and respect the Kings in death is to bring their philosophies to life by continuing in the movement to make the world a better place for everyone.

Unless we quickly adopt and exercise a philosophy that displays an appreciation for life and constructiveness, it is our hypocritical values and ideologies – guided by the tyranny of our so-called leaders – that will ultimately usher in our demise; ending an era of a race that embodied infinite possibilities; who unfortunately, were only moved by death.
