Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Black America: Stand Your Ground!

Part 1


The story:

An entity of multiple races observes another entity of a darker race moving about it’s revered and gated domain that it calls “home,” wrongfully presuming that the darker race that covers its head is there for the malicious intent of relieving it of it’s hard-earned prized possessions, envyingly impeding upon its freedoms.

This entity of multiple races, proclaiming itself in dedication and deed to be the captain of policing said domain by the creed and law upon which it stands, who self-righteously enlists and over-extends the law in order to justify and defend its own insecurities, feels threatened when the entity of a darker race approaches, but then suspicious when the entity of a darker race retreats.

It’s silent preference is for the darker race to simply disappear - to die; but the entity of multiple races is conflicted by the bigoted denial of self as it is sublimely reminded of the blackness that dwells within it’s own body as well as the swarthier shades that have long defined its heritage as hypocrisy echos in it’s heart as well as through the hollow halls of “liberty and justice for all.”

Therefore, the entity of multiple races hides and distorts its past indiscretions and false flags in order to justify and excuse it’s current ones, attempting to erase all tracks that unvaryingly lead to it’s malicious heart - the first cause - to which it’s ignorance has now led to it’s trek downwards as it remains hidden beneath a spurious flag.

However, being quite conscious and cognizant of its many historical iniquities - although silently and secretly so - the entity of multiple races now stands in restless fear of the karmic consequence of its past and present actions; of the pendulumic swing of retribution; of the inescapable ideal that one eventually gets back what it has given; of the proverbial chickens coming home to roost and the grinding ax being laid to bear.

So, fueled by a phobia of it’s own creation and prejudices, it’s resolution is to aggressively pursue the hooded entity of a darker race in lieu of suggestions to do otherwise; a malicious effort gallantly veiled as defending itself or standing it’s ground. Therefore, at some point the entity of multiple races realizes that it must concoct a story to convince itself and others that it is in fact the victim; that the confrontation that it now finds itself in is of no provocation of it’s own; that the entity of a darker race that covers it’s head has weapons of destruction hidden beneath it’s fleece that are far beyond anything sweet.

But the entity of multiple races was wrong; dead wrong.

Therefore, the facade he creates must be believable and defensible against any challenges or scrutiny. He realizes that he must tell a story in which the truth begins and ends with him; a story in which the intent of the victim must be defined and told only through the eyes of the so-called victor, all of which in reality is a story about the slaughter of lambs by a lion pretending to be a lamb chased by lions. To the lions advantage, dead lambs don’t bleat. To the lambs dismay, lions never purr.

More importantly, the aggressive entity of multiple races must surround itself with allies that identify with and supports its agenda, and if ever it’s actions are to come into question, it must enlist those same allies to decide it’s fate, reiterating it’s perception of a lamb that was simply defending itself while dismissing it of any and all accountability.

So what’s next?

The truth.

In the United States of America (an entity of multiple races), which is led by President Obama (an entity of multiple races), there lives George Zimmerman (an entity of multiple races); all of which allegedly have aggressively pursued and killed an entity of a darker race that covered it's head, all on the merit of supposedly defending itself and “standing it’s ground.”

After the dreaded day of September 11, 2001, a day forever etched and burned into the American psyche, few Americans, even today, would deny that America had every right and reason to stand it’s ground and defend itself after having been so brutally and heinously attacked. The American politicians expressed that the conflict had now escalated to a point beyond words; that the past attempts of diplomacy had failed and fallen on deaf ears with a country that hates us for who we are, and that the only option now was to strike back and to strike back with such a degree of shock and awe that any future ideas or notions of terrorism would utterly fizzle at it’s mere inkling. We attacked, and we haven’t stopped attacking since in order to insure and secure our own safety, culture, and freedoms.

So what if America’s Black population - an entity of a darker race - decided to follow the example that America set forth on the days after 9/11; the same example that most Americans, black and white alike, supported then, and that many continue to support now?

After years of diplomacy and petitioning for justice and equal treatment have failed and fallen on deaf ears, only to be subjected to continued mistreatment, disenfranchisement and antagonism simply because a country hates you for who you are, to ultimately end up attacked and heinously killed, who would deny that that entity has every right and reason to “stand it’s ground” and defend itself with the same ferocity that America did after 9/11 so that any future ideas or notions of such terrorism would utterly fizzle at it’s mere inkling?

No freedom-loving, just American - or human for that matter - in their right mind would deny anyone the right to protect and defend themselves under such conditions. The right to live isn’t merely a civil right, but rather, an existential one, surpassing and being the very foundation of what every subsequent right or law is based upon.

After all, you can’t have law without life.

Therefore, to deny American citizens that same response and right of self-preservation as exhibited by America herself after being attacked is to blatantly approve of America’s hypocrisy, the same hypocrisy that loudly and proudly says “liberty and justice for all” that then silently turns towards it’s black and minority citizens and says “except for you.” The same hypocrisy that says that “all men are created equal” but then conveniently ignores the inequality of it’s economic and justice systems. The same hypocrisy that finds America calling itself a first class nation while simultaneously treating a portion of it’s population as second and third class citizens, bearing a flag that serves as window treatment for a home that has no windows and citizens who have no homes. The same hypocrisy that silently acknowledges and conveniently ignores the fact that if Trayvon Martin had been a 17-yr old white kid carrying tea and candy who was then profiled, pursued, and then killed by a 28-yr old, gun-toting black man by the name of George Zimmerman, who then claimed self-defense as his reason, that he would have been arrested, condemned, and convicted on day one by the same consciousness that now supports and defends him, the main and unspoken crime being the color of his skin, even in death.

As a result, America shall be condemned for ignoring it’s cognitive dissonance; it’s belief that despite the fact that George Zimmerman wrongly profiled and pursued Trayvon Martin, that he still had the right to stand his ground and defend himself while, Trayvon, the pursued, had no right to do the same.

This dichotomy goes beyond negrophobia. This level of insidious hatred has become so systemic and such a integral part of the American fabric that racists like juror B37 have found comfort in their racism to the degree that they don’t even know when they’re being racist as their ignorance finds a happy place in their sub-conscience and social circles. 

 The naivete of juror B37 proved that ignorance is a double-edged sword to which she is too naive to recognize that she had long been wounded. Never should such an incompetent being be allowed to decide the fate or freedom of others; what’s worse is that there were six of them.

And to be clear, it’s not that America loves who Zimmerman is, instead, America hates who it profiled and believed Trayvon to be. Therefore, Zimmerman is supported and justified for ridding them of their “undesirable,” his half-Hispanic heritage ironically placing him next in line for a hate-filled execution by this same America if his “profiler and pursuer” is to have a complexion any lighter than his own; his darker skin being his crime just as he condemned and decided the fate of Trayvon Martin while his ideological peers excuse him.

Therefore, how dare America ask me to remain “peaceful” amidst the vindicated murdering and condemnation of my likeness! Every year on the 4th of July America celebrates it’s revolution which was NOT achieved by peaceful means. Every year America celebrates it’s Thanksgiving which was by NO MEANS achieved under peaceful circumstances. America has gotten herself involved in at least 5 additional wars since 2008 alone, and NOT ONCE during these moments of utter destruction have we ever heard her call out for peace. Your call for my peacefulness is merely a cloaked request for my complacency and your comfort, neither of which you are worthy. 

In addition to the American Revolution, the French and Haitian revolutions were by no means peaceful either, but were apparently necessary as that they all ended with these nations achieving their independence.

So, to your request for my peace I offer you the same response that you have so long offered to others; “Fuck you! You first!”

Those calling for peace will probably just as quickly call this writing hate, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. This is pure love; love of self, love for humanity, love for my fellow man, and thus, love for America’s potential. America can no longer continue being a great country in rhetoric and pledges alone.

America itself would never stand for such treatment from an antagonizer. So why should Black America be an exception?

Therefore, when being attacked in such a way, when an entity, organization, or individual actively disregards and violates ones human and civil rights, one should follow in the footsteps of this country that we call great, America, and employ the same processes, tactics, and consistency of force that it does against it’s attackers.

On a high level, this would include the following:

#1: Define and Defend yourself. Don’t let anyone impose their perceptions upon you by which they shall later judge you by and excuse themselves thereof. America’s rich culture is merely a conglomeration of other rich cultures that existed before it. Don’t let it define, distort, or taint your history, legacy, or abilities. Realize that you are much better, stronger, and necessary than they choose to depict you.

#2: Become aware of your personal power as well as your collective power. Understand your valuable contribution and impact - economic, social and otherwise - to the community, country, and world in which you live. Know and understand your rights and abilities (laws, protocols, etc.) otherwise, they will be used against you. There was a reason why America once made it illegal for slaves to learn how to read. Your critical thinking is their greatest fear.

#3: Organize with like minds. Unify in purpose and principle. Divide and Conquer has always been a key tactic of any enemy. Guard against this on a personal and collective level.

There are 313 million people in the United States and approximately 32% of it are of it’s Brown population; the grouping of people who are disenfranchised and disregarded the most (i.e. African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, etc.). Understand that this is NOT a “Black vs White” problem. Not every white person supports nor condones the travesties of this country, nor does every Black/Brown person condemn it, sadly. 

Therefore, this is a “Wrong vs Right” problem. Unfortunately however, it is the Brown community that has shouldered and suffered the brunt of the burden for far too long. Regardless of this, understand that a person who is aligned with you may or may not look like you. This also is what the enemy fears the most because it makes it difficult for them to classify you.

**The Black/Brown people of this country need to come together and form their own political party; a party that resolutely raises and address the issues of inequality that effect them the most, that essentially effects everyone (more on this later)**

#4: Use intelligence to identify the enemy and their affiliates. Learn and understand them. Realize that fear is the most powerful of motivators and will be the primary tool that will be used against you in an attempt to maintain/regain control as the enemy will continue to remain hidden by way of deflection and lies. They will not hesitate to hurt and harm many in order to maintain their power and control. When you learn who and what they are, you will know longer be surprised or taken off guard by what they do. 

#5: Expose the enemy as that the strength in the most powerful of enemies lies in their ability to remain hidden. Know that the wolves will first appear as sheep and the most vicious will appear the most benign. You will know them by how they move, not necessarily by how they look. Some will even look just like you.

#6: First, express your concerns by way of diplomacy and dialogue. If concerns are not met, take actions in the form of sanctions and/or of the withdrawal of support, asserting to cut off or impede the flow of their most precious necessities and commodities (in this case power, money, and resources) unless substantial changes are made. Begin with constant and consistent civil disobedience with vigilance (i.e. boycotts). The action should be in a tiered approach with every subsequent action being more profound - yet inclusive of - the former. For example, if step 1 is “Dialoguing,” then step 2 will be “Dialoguing and Protesting," with step 3 being “Dialoguing, Protesting, and Boycotting," etc. There are numerous ways to carry out each of these.

#7: Do not blow smoke or offer idle threats! In other words, be willing and prepared to make good on and commit to your assertion as that, 1) an arrogant, power-hungry enemy will almost always call your bluff, and 2), the fight creates an inconvenience for both, but is well worth it if you’re already on the losing end. You will win no other way.

#8: Courageously stand your ground! If this requires the use of physical force, so be it. You have every right to be in this country as well as the next person. Therefore, you are entitled to the same liberties, justice, opportunities, freedoms, and mutual respect as they are. With self-knowledge this becomes self-evident. Define and Defend yourself. Don’t let anyone impose their perceptions upon you by which they shall later judge you and excuse themselves thereof.

This Zimmerman/Martin travesty is shocking to many of us only because we’ve been lying to ourselves about the progression of this country. Once again we’ve been reminded. 

Even more distressing is the painful realization that the actions of George Zimmerman are merely a microcosm of those of the United States; the result of a phobia of blackness that has replaced the iron shackles and leather whips of old, burdening the least of these who cry out for leaders but instead are given politicians and charlatans.

But even they are just as human as you are and are thus entitled to no more and no less until all things are made equal.

Stand your ground!

In Love,
