Nostradamus and COVID-19
Century II-6
Near the harbor and in two cities
will be two scourges, the like of
which have never been seen.
Hunger, plague within, people
thrown out by the sword will
cry for help from the great immortal
The first sentence – “Near the harbor and in two cities” – is a direct reference to the city of Wuhan which is the epicenter of where reports of the coronavirus began as well as the area that has currently sustained the greatest impact of the coronavirus.
Historically, Wuhan is the conglomeration of three cities; Wuchang, Hanyang, and Hankou (hence the name “Wuhan”).
The latter city, Hankou, is the main and single largest port of the Hubei province that stands on the right side and North of the Han and Yangtze Rivers. This is the city that Nostradamus references by stating “Near the harbor.”
The “and in two cities” portion of that sentence is referencing the cities of Wuchang and Hanyang that are stationed on the opposite side of the Yangtze River that connect to Hankou by a bridge and collectively make up the city of Wuhan (i.e. “Near the harbor and in two cities”).
In the next sentence – “will be two scourges, the like of which have never been seen” – the choice of the word “scourges” is particularly interesting.
Merriam Webster defines scourge as the following: “An instrument of punishment or criticism; a cause of wide or great affliction; one used to inflict pain or punishment.”
Historically, Wuhan had 2 events – the Wuhan Uprising in 1911 and the Wuhan Incident in 1967 – that can be described as scourges as that the revolts in both instances involved intentional efforts to inflict pain, punishment, and criticism; both of which resulted in the death of many.
However, and perhaps more intriguing, is a particular detail regarding the Wuhan Rising of 1911 where Sun Wu, a leader of one of the revolutionary groups involved in the uprising against the Qing government was injured while supervising the making of explosive devices when one accidentally detonated prematurely.
When Sun Wu was hospitalized as a result of his injuries, the hospital staff discovered his identity and alerted the Qing government officials of which the Qing authorities then ordered immediate arrests, censorships, and crackdowns of the revolutionaries (More on this later as that it directly correlates to current events and situations).
Nostradamus’ use of the word “scourge” can be in reference to these bombs as that they were indeed “instruments of punishment that can cause great or wide affliction, and/or is used to inflict pain or punishment.”
Identically, as it relates to the COVID-19 (aka Coronavirus) and current events, it has been theorized that the virus is man-made as that it is sophisticated in its design and has been postulated to have been weaponized for biological warfare, which indeed would make it an “instrument of punishment that can cause great or wide affliction, and/or is used to inflict pain or punishment.”
Case in point, and something that is being under-reported, is the ability of the virus to hide itself from detection as well as re-infect it’s victims after recovery. This poses a greater threat and an increased mortality rate than the initial attack/infection as that 1), the body does not develop an immunity after the initial attack, and 2), the body is left in a weakened state after the infection and attempts to eradicate it, leaving the body more vulnerable to the second attack.
How is this possible? It is possible because this virus is polymorphic, not unlike how various forms of computer viruses create modified versions of themselves (aka mutate) to avoid detection while executing the same basic routines after every infection. These viruses alter their patterns every time they infect their host(s).
This allows the virus to go undetected as that the tests to identify it are insufficient because of the mutation(s), resulting in the virus no longer exhibiting the signatures that the static tests are looking for. This action allows the virus to remain under the radar until modified or subsequent tests are administered; or, until the virus exhibits activity that the static tests can identify which are often too late. Thus in effect, the virus becomes a second virus (or more depending on the number of times that it morphs/mutates).
Additionally, according to a study by Chinese researchers from Nanki University in Tianjin China, these aforementioned mutations in COVID-19 are akin to those of HIV and Ebola; neither of which are coronaviruses.
In other words, the genetic properties of COVID-19 are claimed to be 80% SARS while containing HIV/Ebola insertions enabling it to bind to cells with 1,000 times the efficacy rate than that of SARS by attacking a protein called furin in the same manner as HIV and Ebola; an activity that is unlike any other coronavirus.
This is what Nostradamus is referring to when he writes “two scourges, the likes of which have never been seen.” This is referring to a man-made virus that appears to be a combination of SARS and HIV/Ebola (i.e. “two scourges”) that has the ability to mutate, avert detection, and re-infect. This ability is unlike any other biological virus known to man, thus, the official name of the disease is “Novel COVID-19,” the word “Novel” meaning “’new,” “never seen” (i.e. “the likes of which have never been seen”).
Similarly, and in relation to the aforementioned 1911 Wuhan Uprising, this also implies that the coronavirus is a weapon that was denotated – perhaps accidentally and/or prematurely during its construction, manipulation, or transportation - as that there are indeed level 4 facilities in Wuhan that specialize in the study of such organisms; namely, the Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory that is in relatively close proximity to the wet food market that is currently being touted as the origin of the virus.
Notable Sidebar: As mentioned previously regarding Sun Wu and the hospital staff that notified the Qing government officials about the bomb, that scenario bares a stark resemblance to that of Li Wenliang, the doctor and whistleblower of the coronavirus, who, after revealing the existence of this new SARS-like virus to a group of his medical school alumni, was later reprimanded by his manager who blamed him for leaking the information and then reported him to the government authorities to which he was then investigated and interrogated by the Wuhan Police of which he was warned and censored for his actions.
Dr. Li Wenliang was one of 8 whistleblowers who revolted against the censorship of the Wuhan government, all of which have either died, been silenced/censored, or are missing; not unlike the fate of the revolutionaries during the Wuhan Uprising of 1911.
The similarities and singularities are uncanny.
The “Hunger, plague within, and people thrown out by the sword” are the results of this scourge that we are currently experiencing, even in the moments of this writing.
The “Hunger” is the likely result of the imposed quarantines and subsequent economic breakdown in business and services as the availability and delivery of necessities lessens to eventually become halted and/or suspended. The “plague within” refers to the COVID-19 disease that the people will be suffering from (i.e. the plague within the scourge), and “thrown out by the sword” refers to the eventual looting that will ensue as the aforementioned climaxes to desperation of which governmental armed authorities will keep necessitous people at bay with their weapons.
As a result of all of this, the people will “cry for help from the great immortal God,” the word “immortal” inferring that people will even go behind their reliance and beseeching of their mortal priests, preachers, and pastors to provide answers and relief from the misery caused by this scourge/plague.