Wednesday, January 24, 2007

No Way Forward”

If there ever was a statement that was most befitting for president Bush (consider the little “p” an intentional symbolic reference to his brain) and his “New Way Forward” policy, the following is it:

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results” – B. Franklin

Therefore, it should come as no surprise that a president that has more than proven to be the proverbial “drain” in a well-meaning “think tank”, would defiantly and tenaciously go against the wishes and recommendations of not only the bipartisan Iraqi Study Group and Congress, but the American people as well; who expressed their discontent with the president’s war strategy in the recent mid-term elections.

The State of the Union address on January 23rd , 2007, was worded in such a way as to serve the purpose that such addresses are designed: To gain support by spewing just enough rhetoric to keep the masses optimistically deluded. But its effectiveness remains to be determined; measurable by the level of continued complacency and incompetent disregard at the hands of organizations put in place to serve as checks and balances against such actions, in which the American people are equally as complicit. Because, if the old adage is true – If you keep doing what you're doing, you'll keep getting what you're getting." – then, the only thing that we have to look forward to getting, is closer to hell, lead by the Devil himself.

Bush’s initiative – coined “New Way Forward” – seeks to deploy 20,000 more troops to Iraq as a strategy for shifting the tide to one of “victory”; a word he uses copiously, despite the fact that it has been the most illusive thing since the war began. However, if you consider the number of American casualties since the beginning of the war on 3/19/03, which is listed as 22,951 (, then Bush’s initiative does no more than puts us back where we were 4 years ago…..with an added deficit of 2,951 troops! It seems that “No Way Forward” would be a more appropriate title.

Is his strategy logical??? Of course it isn’t! But that is only because this war has absolutely NOTHING to do with what the American public has been led to believe. The war has gone from capturing Bin Laden, to eradicating “Terror”, to removing Weapons of Mass Destruction, to capturing Sadam Hussein, to liberating Iraqi’s, back to eradicating “Terror”, to making Iraqi’s run their own government…….in which the president expects you believe that 1 out of 6 isn’t bad at the cost of $360 billion dollars and climbing.

I’m sure that that last statement will be dismissed as fodder for conspiracy theorist by many, but who can deny the overwhelming number of conspiracies that this administration has been involved in, arrogantly dismissed as incompetence or coincidence???

After so many disappointments at the hands of this administration, maybe it’s time for the public to wake up and realize that there are no coincidences. Maybe it’s not a coincidence that “New Way Forward” sounds a lot like “New World Order”. Maybe it’s not a coincidence that the letters of the president’s name – George Walker Bush, Jr. – equates to the number “666”. Maybe it’s not a coincidence that Nostradamus’ quatrain (Century VI-70) chronicles the “New Way Forward” initiative (i.e. Plus Oultre).

The presidents plan to give more of the same is the reasoning of someone who is either grossly incompetent, grossly iniquitous, or both; all of which suggests that our fate is inevitable lest efforts are made to curtail his initiatives, and begin to repair the bad relationships – domestically and internationally - incurred through intolerable angst and jingoistic politics.

Whether you believe in the conspiracies or not, an intelligent, rational human being can not deny that something is amiss; that the senseless deaths, the elimination of freedoms for the sake of security, religious persecution, and the use of terror to combat terror, are in direct contrast to what most perceive to be the “Land of the Free, and the Home of the Brave.” But maybe Sinclair Lewis was trying to tell us something when he said, “When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.”

Don’t make a difference, BE a difference.



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