Wednesday, December 02, 2009

The American Contradiction

Deficient in melanin, they seek the Sun feverishly to garner the beauty of tanned skin;
Endure the needle’s prick for the allure of thicker lips;
Eagerly padding slips for the illusion of fuller hips;
Marks of beauty that imprint the skins of a forgotten people.

A land that quietly desires the semblances of blackness while loudly denying the equality of same finds Obama being elected; black enough to vindicate America’s conscience yet political enough to shun its responsibility.

The lines blur between “civilized” and “civil lies”, thus, the land becomes blind to the American Contradiction.

However, a warring president honored with a Nobel Peace Prize makes it evident.

Can a first class nation have second class citizens?

Native Americans reduced to reservations; the homeless convicted by circumstance and sentenced to disappear; homosexuals banned from following their hearts, while the poor shoulder the burdens of rich follies.

Tax payers pay for war, bail out the rich, and fund White House state dinner parties that they themselves can’t attend; crashed, a collision of the have’s and the have-nots.

Worshipping “Black Friday” while fearing black everyday renders acceptance a trend, tolerance an inconvenience, and Hate a religion.

A disturbed man yells “Allah Akbar!” before shooting American soldiers and the media screams its indignation as crucifix scrawled bombs fall silently on dense mosques and nurseries as another disturbed man yells “God Bless America!”

Who’s right? Who’s wrong? Neither. Both.

Christians and Muslims play chess with human pawns while God and Allah weep.

A land formerly led by a president claiming to be Pro-Life while being Pro-War leaves little surprise for its decline in its American Contradiction.

The 43rd President was the pharaoh’s own Burning Bush. Obama is planted in the ground where the bush has charred and burned, ironically making him the Black Bush.

Myrmidons now angered, but a hawk shall never fear sheep.


1 comment:

Sepia said...

Excellent read brothah...I am reposting on FB ASAP!!!