Thursday, May 13, 2010

In A State of Ignorance

America: A nation of Immigrants whose very language comes with a Green card and adoption papers finds its child, Arizona, sinking in a rising sea of Intolerance as it grasps at the stone buoy of Ignorance

Still sinking…

Dragged down by the weight of primal stupidity its leadership are Guests who believe themselves to be Hosts

Rid Arizona of all its Immigrants and all that would remain are Native Americans; moved back from reservations to redemption.

What is an illegal citizen? Can a thief of land fault a trespasser?

The word “immigrant” indirectly redefined to only reference the Mexican people

If Ignorance were a mirror then Arizona would be its reflection; equally reflected between the silent lines of Obama’s Preventative Detention plan

You just look like a problem! I believe that you may create a problem in the future!!! Therefore, I sentence you to….


Words soon to precede the new minority report

A new precedence set by the President, fanning the flames of Arizona’s blazing hatred.

If two wrongs don’t make a right then it is quite clear why American is getting left.

Such a State of Ignorance that breathes life back into the black lungs of Willie Lynch can hardly claim the birthright of Greatness, but instead, signs the death certificate of Dignity

If a great nation is judged by the way that it treats the least among them, then insult is added to injury in the mere fact that a “least” even exists.

A first class nation cannot have second class citizens.

Color subjugated

Even if Gold and/or Oil could speak America would call it a liar and a terrorist

But, by way of its silence it is exploited. By fear of loss it is captured and exiled

Oh the irony

The love of America is now gauged by the degree that one shares in its hate
The more you hate, the more you love

A new trail of tears now extends through Arizona’s heart


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