Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Black America: Stand Your Ground!

Part 1


The story:

An entity of multiple races observes another entity of a darker race moving about it’s revered and gated domain that it calls “home,” wrongfully presuming that the darker race that covers its head is there for the malicious intent of relieving it of it’s hard-earned prized possessions, envyingly impeding upon its freedoms.

This entity of multiple races, proclaiming itself in dedication and deed to be the captain of policing said domain by the creed and law upon which it stands, who self-righteously enlists and over-extends the law in order to justify and defend its own insecurities, feels threatened when the entity of a darker race approaches, but then suspicious when the entity of a darker race retreats.

It’s silent preference is for the darker race to simply disappear - to die; but the entity of multiple races is conflicted by the bigoted denial of self as it is sublimely reminded of the blackness that dwells within it’s own body as well as the swarthier shades that have long defined its heritage as hypocrisy echos in it’s heart as well as through the hollow halls of “liberty and justice for all.”

Therefore, the entity of multiple races hides and distorts its past indiscretions and false flags in order to justify and excuse it’s current ones, attempting to erase all tracks that unvaryingly lead to it’s malicious heart - the first cause - to which it’s ignorance has now led to it’s trek downwards as it remains hidden beneath a spurious flag.

However, being quite conscious and cognizant of its many historical iniquities - although silently and secretly so - the entity of multiple races now stands in restless fear of the karmic consequence of its past and present actions; of the pendulumic swing of retribution; of the inescapable ideal that one eventually gets back what it has given; of the proverbial chickens coming home to roost and the grinding ax being laid to bear.

So, fueled by a phobia of it’s own creation and prejudices, it’s resolution is to aggressively pursue the hooded entity of a darker race in lieu of suggestions to do otherwise; a malicious effort gallantly veiled as defending itself or standing it’s ground. Therefore, at some point the entity of multiple races realizes that it must concoct a story to convince itself and others that it is in fact the victim; that the confrontation that it now finds itself in is of no provocation of it’s own; that the entity of a darker race that covers it’s head has weapons of destruction hidden beneath it’s fleece that are far beyond anything sweet.

But the entity of multiple races was wrong; dead wrong.

Therefore, the facade he creates must be believable and defensible against any challenges or scrutiny. He realizes that he must tell a story in which the truth begins and ends with him; a story in which the intent of the victim must be defined and told only through the eyes of the so-called victor, all of which in reality is a story about the slaughter of lambs by a lion pretending to be a lamb chased by lions. To the lions advantage, dead lambs don’t bleat. To the lambs dismay, lions never purr.

More importantly, the aggressive entity of multiple races must surround itself with allies that identify with and supports its agenda, and if ever it’s actions are to come into question, it must enlist those same allies to decide it’s fate, reiterating it’s perception of a lamb that was simply defending itself while dismissing it of any and all accountability.

So what’s next?

The truth.

In the United States of America (an entity of multiple races), which is led by President Obama (an entity of multiple races), there lives George Zimmerman (an entity of multiple races); all of which allegedly have aggressively pursued and killed an entity of a darker race that covered it's head, all on the merit of supposedly defending itself and “standing it’s ground.”

After the dreaded day of September 11, 2001, a day forever etched and burned into the American psyche, few Americans, even today, would deny that America had every right and reason to stand it’s ground and defend itself after having been so brutally and heinously attacked. The American politicians expressed that the conflict had now escalated to a point beyond words; that the past attempts of diplomacy had failed and fallen on deaf ears with a country that hates us for who we are, and that the only option now was to strike back and to strike back with such a degree of shock and awe that any future ideas or notions of terrorism would utterly fizzle at it’s mere inkling. We attacked, and we haven’t stopped attacking since in order to insure and secure our own safety, culture, and freedoms.

So what if America’s Black population - an entity of a darker race - decided to follow the example that America set forth on the days after 9/11; the same example that most Americans, black and white alike, supported then, and that many continue to support now?

After years of diplomacy and petitioning for justice and equal treatment have failed and fallen on deaf ears, only to be subjected to continued mistreatment, disenfranchisement and antagonism simply because a country hates you for who you are, to ultimately end up attacked and heinously killed, who would deny that that entity has every right and reason to “stand it’s ground” and defend itself with the same ferocity that America did after 9/11 so that any future ideas or notions of such terrorism would utterly fizzle at it’s mere inkling?

No freedom-loving, just American - or human for that matter - in their right mind would deny anyone the right to protect and defend themselves under such conditions. The right to live isn’t merely a civil right, but rather, an existential one, surpassing and being the very foundation of what every subsequent right or law is based upon.

After all, you can’t have law without life.

Therefore, to deny American citizens that same response and right of self-preservation as exhibited by America herself after being attacked is to blatantly approve of America’s hypocrisy, the same hypocrisy that loudly and proudly says “liberty and justice for all” that then silently turns towards it’s black and minority citizens and says “except for you.” The same hypocrisy that says that “all men are created equal” but then conveniently ignores the inequality of it’s economic and justice systems. The same hypocrisy that finds America calling itself a first class nation while simultaneously treating a portion of it’s population as second and third class citizens, bearing a flag that serves as window treatment for a home that has no windows and citizens who have no homes. The same hypocrisy that silently acknowledges and conveniently ignores the fact that if Trayvon Martin had been a 17-yr old white kid carrying tea and candy who was then profiled, pursued, and then killed by a 28-yr old, gun-toting black man by the name of George Zimmerman, who then claimed self-defense as his reason, that he would have been arrested, condemned, and convicted on day one by the same consciousness that now supports and defends him, the main and unspoken crime being the color of his skin, even in death.

As a result, America shall be condemned for ignoring it’s cognitive dissonance; it’s belief that despite the fact that George Zimmerman wrongly profiled and pursued Trayvon Martin, that he still had the right to stand his ground and defend himself while, Trayvon, the pursued, had no right to do the same.

This dichotomy goes beyond negrophobia. This level of insidious hatred has become so systemic and such a integral part of the American fabric that racists like juror B37 have found comfort in their racism to the degree that they don’t even know when they’re being racist as their ignorance finds a happy place in their sub-conscience and social circles. 

 The naivete of juror B37 proved that ignorance is a double-edged sword to which she is too naive to recognize that she had long been wounded. Never should such an incompetent being be allowed to decide the fate or freedom of others; what’s worse is that there were six of them.

And to be clear, it’s not that America loves who Zimmerman is, instead, America hates who it profiled and believed Trayvon to be. Therefore, Zimmerman is supported and justified for ridding them of their “undesirable,” his half-Hispanic heritage ironically placing him next in line for a hate-filled execution by this same America if his “profiler and pursuer” is to have a complexion any lighter than his own; his darker skin being his crime just as he condemned and decided the fate of Trayvon Martin while his ideological peers excuse him.

Therefore, how dare America ask me to remain “peaceful” amidst the vindicated murdering and condemnation of my likeness! Every year on the 4th of July America celebrates it’s revolution which was NOT achieved by peaceful means. Every year America celebrates it’s Thanksgiving which was by NO MEANS achieved under peaceful circumstances. America has gotten herself involved in at least 5 additional wars since 2008 alone, and NOT ONCE during these moments of utter destruction have we ever heard her call out for peace. Your call for my peacefulness is merely a cloaked request for my complacency and your comfort, neither of which you are worthy. 

In addition to the American Revolution, the French and Haitian revolutions were by no means peaceful either, but were apparently necessary as that they all ended with these nations achieving their independence.

So, to your request for my peace I offer you the same response that you have so long offered to others; “Fuck you! You first!”

Those calling for peace will probably just as quickly call this writing hate, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. This is pure love; love of self, love for humanity, love for my fellow man, and thus, love for America’s potential. America can no longer continue being a great country in rhetoric and pledges alone.

America itself would never stand for such treatment from an antagonizer. So why should Black America be an exception?

Therefore, when being attacked in such a way, when an entity, organization, or individual actively disregards and violates ones human and civil rights, one should follow in the footsteps of this country that we call great, America, and employ the same processes, tactics, and consistency of force that it does against it’s attackers.

On a high level, this would include the following:

#1: Define and Defend yourself. Don’t let anyone impose their perceptions upon you by which they shall later judge you by and excuse themselves thereof. America’s rich culture is merely a conglomeration of other rich cultures that existed before it. Don’t let it define, distort, or taint your history, legacy, or abilities. Realize that you are much better, stronger, and necessary than they choose to depict you.

#2: Become aware of your personal power as well as your collective power. Understand your valuable contribution and impact - economic, social and otherwise - to the community, country, and world in which you live. Know and understand your rights and abilities (laws, protocols, etc.) otherwise, they will be used against you. There was a reason why America once made it illegal for slaves to learn how to read. Your critical thinking is their greatest fear.

#3: Organize with like minds. Unify in purpose and principle. Divide and Conquer has always been a key tactic of any enemy. Guard against this on a personal and collective level.

There are 313 million people in the United States and approximately 32% of it are of it’s Brown population; the grouping of people who are disenfranchised and disregarded the most (i.e. African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, etc.). Understand that this is NOT a “Black vs White” problem. Not every white person supports nor condones the travesties of this country, nor does every Black/Brown person condemn it, sadly. 

Therefore, this is a “Wrong vs Right” problem. Unfortunately however, it is the Brown community that has shouldered and suffered the brunt of the burden for far too long. Regardless of this, understand that a person who is aligned with you may or may not look like you. This also is what the enemy fears the most because it makes it difficult for them to classify you.

**The Black/Brown people of this country need to come together and form their own political party; a party that resolutely raises and address the issues of inequality that effect them the most, that essentially effects everyone (more on this later)**

#4: Use intelligence to identify the enemy and their affiliates. Learn and understand them. Realize that fear is the most powerful of motivators and will be the primary tool that will be used against you in an attempt to maintain/regain control as the enemy will continue to remain hidden by way of deflection and lies. They will not hesitate to hurt and harm many in order to maintain their power and control. When you learn who and what they are, you will know longer be surprised or taken off guard by what they do. 

#5: Expose the enemy as that the strength in the most powerful of enemies lies in their ability to remain hidden. Know that the wolves will first appear as sheep and the most vicious will appear the most benign. You will know them by how they move, not necessarily by how they look. Some will even look just like you.

#6: First, express your concerns by way of diplomacy and dialogue. If concerns are not met, take actions in the form of sanctions and/or of the withdrawal of support, asserting to cut off or impede the flow of their most precious necessities and commodities (in this case power, money, and resources) unless substantial changes are made. Begin with constant and consistent civil disobedience with vigilance (i.e. boycotts). The action should be in a tiered approach with every subsequent action being more profound - yet inclusive of - the former. For example, if step 1 is “Dialoguing,” then step 2 will be “Dialoguing and Protesting," with step 3 being “Dialoguing, Protesting, and Boycotting," etc. There are numerous ways to carry out each of these.

#7: Do not blow smoke or offer idle threats! In other words, be willing and prepared to make good on and commit to your assertion as that, 1) an arrogant, power-hungry enemy will almost always call your bluff, and 2), the fight creates an inconvenience for both, but is well worth it if you’re already on the losing end. You will win no other way.

#8: Courageously stand your ground! If this requires the use of physical force, so be it. You have every right to be in this country as well as the next person. Therefore, you are entitled to the same liberties, justice, opportunities, freedoms, and mutual respect as they are. With self-knowledge this becomes self-evident. Define and Defend yourself. Don’t let anyone impose their perceptions upon you by which they shall later judge you and excuse themselves thereof.

This Zimmerman/Martin travesty is shocking to many of us only because we’ve been lying to ourselves about the progression of this country. Once again we’ve been reminded. 

Even more distressing is the painful realization that the actions of George Zimmerman are merely a microcosm of those of the United States; the result of a phobia of blackness that has replaced the iron shackles and leather whips of old, burdening the least of these who cry out for leaders but instead are given politicians and charlatans.

But even they are just as human as you are and are thus entitled to no more and no less until all things are made equal.

Stand your ground!

In Love,


Wednesday, June 12, 2013


The Faster and More Furious

Part 1


In the wake of a string of unspeakable tragedies linked to gun violence at the hands of non-descript, seemingly socially-ostracized assailants, including but not limited to the recent June 7, 2013 shooting in Santa Monica, California, as well as the December 14, 2012 massacre of 20 children at an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut, America finds herself faced with addressing an issue of which the true intent of her leaders may possibly be just as vague and nefarious as the motives of the alleged killers themselves. In fact, they may even be intrinsically linked if not one in the same.

In the midst and aftermath of such tragedies, reason and rationale succumb to the blunter force of fear and uncertainty, resulting in the differences between a symptom and the source of a problem becoming blurred and indistinguishable to the common citizen who then merely begs for a solution - any solution - that would reinstate their emotional safety and security and return them to their respective place of normalcy despite the long-term and adverse effects of that supposed solution.

Such a state of fear and uncertainty is one that governments often take full advantage of when attempting to pass legislation that works to the advantage of special interests and to the detriment of its citizens. In the event that the citizens don’t respond accordingly or as expected, the governments simply get faster and more furious in their approach and resort to even more extreme measures of fear-mongering until the will of the people is dogged and destroyed to the point that they acquiesce and willfully throw away their freedom in exchange for security.

Such examples would include the speedy pass of the PATRIOT Act after 9/11, which, propelled by the wings of extreme fear, not only passed beneath the awareness of the American people, but nor was it read by the senators or members of Congress that passed it.

A second and more recent example would be last year’s passing of the NDAA bill which anointed the U.S. government with the right to kill it’s own citizens domestically and abroad with drones and other military armaments without exercising due process.

To little surprise, and just barely 2 months after finally admitting the possibility of the U.S. government attacking it’s own citizens on domestic soil while downplaying it as an improbable hypothetical, Eric Holder, the U.S. Attorney General, has now recently revealed that the U.S. has in fact killed 4 U.S. citizens on foreign soil - 1 intentionally, and 3 unintentionally - while justifying the act as a response against an “imminent” terroristic attack; the word imminent being the condition nestled in the wording of the NDAA bill to allow the legal disregarding of the right and effort of due process.

All things considered, it appears to many that the scene is being set and orchestrated to prep us for our own demise by eroding the very freedoms that make us proud to call ourselves Americans. We are now more committed to holding onto the perception of America than we are to holding onto the principles of what it means to be American. To little surprise, our pledges and mantras are now as hollow as the souls of the criminals whom we’ve elected to protect them.

Resultantly we have become comfortable with living in fear, shrugging it off as merely a sign of the times as we allow ourselves to be conditioned to accept the worst of mediocrity and the best of incompetence. We no longer strive to raise the bar. Instead, we silently suffer beneath the weight of those who lower it, singing their praises as we steadily become unworthy residents of the former “home of the brave."

Once strong, we now are in fear of shoes, suitcases and stray backpacks as we shudder and recoil at the mere mention of the words ‘bomb’ or ‘gun.’ Diversity has now become a characteristic of suspicion as ignorance has become a legitimate excuse for doing so. Everyone and everything are now things to be feared - potential terrorists - as fascism enters in upon the backs of our phobias and through the cracks in our conscience.

If 9/11 was the official demarcation on our war against terror then it is clear that we’ve lost as our fears and insecurities are greatest now than they’ve ever been. Terrorism has left us terrified. Now, we are slowly awakening to the realization that the true terrorists aren’t nearly as remote and unfamiliar as we once thought or were led to believe as we lift the thobes to find Italian-made suits bearing U.S. flag pens on the lapels hidden beneath. 

After all, it wasn’t Al-Qaeda or the Taliban that passed the bills that changed our laws and way of life, nor is it the Mujahideen who are indiscriminately tapping our cell phones and internet activity against the writ of our constitution. And even if it were, that would simply further prove my point.

“Those who sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither.” - Benjamin Franklin

But what does any of this have to do with guns and school shootings? Well, I’m glad that you asked.

As it relates to the shooting in Newtown, Connecticut in December of 2012, the Virginia Tech shooting back in 2007, the Success Tech Academy shooting in 2007, as well as the notorious Columbine High School massacre back in 1999, an interesting and undeniable commonality in these crimes in addition to the fact that they were all school shootings is that the shooters of these massacres were not only reportedly taking psychiatric medications to address mental illnesses, but all of them also reportedly committed suicide immediately after their killing sprees.

The recent shooting spree (June 7, 2013) in Santa Monica, California, at the hands of 23-yr old John Zawahri can also be added to this list as that he too was reportedly suffering from mental health issues. The only difference being that he didn’t kill himself, instead, he was killed by police officers after a gunfight in the Santa Monica College library.

Even James Holmes, the alleged gunman in the Dark Knight movie theater massacre in Aurora, Colorado, was reported to have been taking prescription drugs for an undisclosed mental illness. However, this killing spree didn’t end in a suicide nor his death at the hands of officers. Instead, it ended without incident as that Mr. Holmes was found behind the theater calm, stoic and detached from the whole event, presumably by some to be under the influence of some narcotics/drugs. Per the testimony of one of the arresting officer, Jason Oviatt, he states, “He [James Holmes] was completely compliant. There wasn’t even normal tension in him. He seemed very, very relaxed. It was like there weren’t normal emotional responses to anything.”

Coincidence? Maybe. But when one considers an excerpt from a famous book entitled Behold The Pale Horse written in 1991 by William C. Cooper which was written with the intent of empowering “the people" by exposing past, present, and future government conspiracies and programs by revealing official, secret government documents, witness/insider testimony, and alternate theories, a different picture begins to emerge which potentially sheds a little more light onto the source of this gun problem and school shootings.

Here’s the excerpt from Behold The Pale Horse [page 225]:

“The government encouraged the manufacture and importation of firearms for the criminals to use. This is intended to foster a feeling of insecurity, which would lead the American people to voluntarily disarm themselves by passing laws against firearms. Using drugs and hypnosis on mental patients in a process called Orion, the CIA inculcated the desire in these people to open fire on schoolyards and thus inflame the anti-gun lobby. This plan is well under way, and so far is working perfectly. The middle class is begging the government to do away with the 2nd Amendment.

Author's Note: I have found that these events have indeed happened all over the country. In every instance that I have investigated — the incident at the women's school in Canada, the shopping center incident in Canada, the Stockton, California, massacre, and the murder of Rabbi Meir Kahane — the shooters were all ex-mental patients or were current mental patients who were ALL ON THE DRUG PROZAC!

This drug, when taken in certain doses, increases the serotonin level in the patient, causing extreme violence. Couple that with a post-hypnotic suggestion or control through an electronic brain implant or microwave or E.L.F. intrusion and you get mass murder, ending in every case with the suicide of the perpetrator.

Exhume the bodies of the murderers and check for a brain implant. I think you are going to be surprised. In every case the name of the murderer's doctor or mental treatment facility has been withheld.

I believe we will be able to establish intelligence-community connections and/or connections to known CIA experimental mind-control programs when we finally discover who these doctors of death really are.”

Still a coincidence? Not likely, especially when one considers the first sentence - “The government encouraged the manufacture and importation of firearms for the criminals to use” - along with last year’s revelation of the botched “Fast and Furious” operation that revealed that the highest levels of U.S. government, the Justice Department, and the ATF were involved in and/or were aware of a gun-walking effort to intentionally put thousands of high-powered assault weapons into the hands of Mexican drug cartels by way of straw sales via firearm dealers with the alleged intent of tracking the firearms to it’s members. Not only were all of the weapons not successfully tracked, but this effort also resulted in the death of a U.S. Border Protection agent (Brian Terry) by one of the weapons as well as thousands of unmarked assault weapons spreading between Mexico and the United States.

The trail of this program was traced all the way up to Eric Holder, the U.S. Attorney General, who was then held in contempt of Congress for not providing - in fact withholding - relevant documentation regarding the program. Soon after, President Obama asserted executive privilege as to prevent this documentation from being brought forth; an identical move that the President himself previously criticized President Bush for citing it as an attempt to hide behind something “shaky.”

Still a coincidence? Yes, only if you’re in denial, and in such a state of denial coincidence merely becomes an excuse for willful ignorance. After all, the Obama Administration didn’t deny the program’s existence, they only denied their prior knowledge of it, all of which raises a bevy of questions.

For example, shouldn’t American citizens be concerned that the government is knowingly and intentionally involved in secret gun-walking programs designed to put high-powered assault rifles into the hands of criminals while simultaneously attempting to pass legislation making it illegal - or at a minimum more difficult - for law-abiding citizens to protect and defend themselves with the same? Why arm the villains and disarm the citizens?

There’s no question whether or not a solution is needed in order to resolve the “gun control” issue. We all agree there. But shouldn’t we be striving for the right solution as opposed to any “right now” solution? Why do something simply for the sake of saying that we did something? Do we not at least owe it to ourselves to make sure that we do the “right” thing that strengthens and protects the citizens that the American government has sworn to protect and serve?

More importantly, isn’t it a contradiction, or at a minimum suspicious, for a government to use weapons and guns to protect and defend itself, to then pass a bill (NDAA) stating that it has the right to use these very weapons and guns against it’s own people domestically and abroad, to further add insult to injury by proposing legislation depriving these very people of the right to protect and defend themselves with the same?

Someone with the true intent to protect and defend you would NEVER obstruct or limit your ability to protect and defend yourself. Quite the contrary. They would in fact train, educate, and even equip you with the best ways to self-sufficiently defend and protect yourself, not unlike what the U.S. has and continues to do for it’s allies in an effort called “building partner capacity,” one of the very reasons, allegedly, that we are still in Iraq and other countries; to provide them the training and infrastructure so that they can successfully protect and defend themselves. 

So why not do this domestically? Shouldn’t the American people be treated as partners/allies also? Why train and equip our allies but not train and equip our own citizens? To not do so - to in fact do the opposite - is indicative of a deeper, more sinister and likely ulterior motive that sits and waits in the shadows of American ignorance and complacency at the behest of government corruption that is getting faster and more furious by the minute.

Case and point: An automobile is a deadly weapon in untrained or malicious hands, but we don’t see the government trying to limit the access or ability of automobiles do we? No. In fact we see quite the opposite.

The highest maximum speed limit on U.S. highways is 85mph (Texas), yet, the U.S. has no problem with selling automobiles that can exceed that speed limit (more than twice that speed on many automobiles). Yet, they argue that limiting the capacity of gun magazine to 10 rounds makes sense because anything more than that is excessive and unnecessary. Really? Couldn’t the same be said for cars that can exceed the speed limit? So why not simply offer the same type of handling and safety education and training for guns that we do with automobiles? After all, more people are killed by the illegal use of automobiles than they are by the illegal use of guns. Without the training it is safe to assume that vehicular deaths would increase, therefore, it can be equally and logically concluded that weapons training would result in a decrease in gun-related crimes and accidents.

Following haphazardly along this gun-automobile paradigm, the District of Columbia has recently, and shortsightedly, proposed a bill requiring gun owners to purchase $250,000 in liability insurance. The bill, B20-170, would mandate coverage for negligent and intentional acts in which a gun is used in situations other than self-defense in which the money raised would be used to compensate victims of gun violence. The bill would be retroactive, requiring those who already possess gun licenses to purchase the liability insurance within 30 days of the bill’s effective date.

Once again, a desperate and thoughtlessly proposed solution is offered while leaving more questions in it’s wake than answers. For example, how would such a bill stop or curb the gun-related massacres that have spawned the current anti-gun lobby, namely, the Newtown, Connecticut massacre or any other killing in which the weapons were/are stolen? Assuming the extremely unlikely possibility of a premeditating murderer purchasing liability insurance for a stolen gun, would such an insurance policy still honor the agreement and compensate the victims while penalizing the legitimate owner of the stolen weapon? 

And what if the policy owner decides to cancel his/her insurance or allows it to lapse before committing the murder, how does this help or protect the victims or limit the victimizer? Is a person who is hellbent on mass murder really concerned or threatened by the consequences of not carrying adequate insurance, especially if they are planning on killing themselves? Not likely. So all in all, how does such a law stop a killer or protect the law-abiding citizens who merely purchases a weapon for target shooting or personal protection?

Simply put, it doesn’t.

It seems that such laws in all of their opportunistic glory do more to limit the rights of law-abiding citizens by discouraging or penalizing them for gun ownership than they do to discourage and/or impede criminal activity, which, in the eyes of many, and as chronicle in William Cooper’s book, is the true desire and intent of the powers-that-be; to foster a feeling of insecurity by injecting fear into the consciousness of the majority, resulting in the willful submission and capitulation of their civil and human rights. 

Unfortunately, this is exactly what we see happening today. So, was William C. Cooper telling the truth, or was it just a coincidental lucky guess?  Many would have you believe that it's the latter.

Let’s be clear. This commentary isn’t written with the intent of supporting guns and/or the idiots that misuse them, but rather, for the support of common sense in the face of idiocy. After all, like any other tool, guns are only as deadly as their Holder (pun intended if you so desire).

We Must Change

During his speech on December 17th, 2012, regarding gun control and the Newtown massacre, President Obama stated, “We can’t tolerate this any more. These tragedies must end. And to end them we must change.” 

While that sentiment rings beyond the halls of truth, how do we accomplish that without first being honest with ourselves? After all, aren’t wars tragedies? Aren’t guns used in wars? Aren’t babies killed by guns in wars? And more importantly, isn’t America involved and complicit in wars?

America undoubtedly has every right to protect and defend herself as does any other country. But shouldn’t this right apply to her citizens as well?

If it is okay for us as citizens to protect and defend our country publicly, shouldn’t it be okay for us protect and defend ourselves and our families personally? Otherwise, who or what exactly are we protecting and defending??? It’s like being allowed to defend your apartment building while not being allowed to defend your apartment.

We can no longer continue to ignore the obvious elephants in the room while in the right mind believing that we won’t get trampled.

Sad truth: The history and legacy of America is earmarked and defined by guns and weaponry. Guns are as much a part of the American culture as the starred and striped flag, each being used to defend the other. We boast about our war successes while our memory-ingrained national anthem speaks of “bombs bursting in the air” as we proudly lay our hands over our hearts during its recital. We encourage our children to pick up arms and join the military so that they can be all that they can be, and then we have mixed emotions when they become what we’ve always been; barbarians.

The respect that we garner as a nation comes by way of the fear that we yield, which itself comes by way of the weapons we wave, none of which we are willing to relinquish or compromise because deep down we know that it is not respect that we command at all, but simply fear; and fear is always in search for it’s opportunity to no longer be afraid. Therefore, we always have to watch our backs. One who is respected has no such burden.

So what would we be - or who would we have been - without guns? More importantly, what would guns be without us? They would be just inert fixtures of metal, wood, and polymer, no different then any other tool or automobile. So instead of trying to further dumb down the inanimate object beyond it’s base composition, why not instead increase the intelligence of the object’s animator and/or holder beyond their base composition? After all, guns don’t kill. People do.


Thursday, February 21, 2013

Chrisopher Dorner and other American Dichotomies

Two wrongs don’t make a right

Or do they?

We convict a man for murder then we sentence him to death and murder him


Lethal injection in the vein; electricity to the brain

Administered by physicians who’ve sworn the Hippocratic oath to ethically and honestly save the lives that they didn’t

Murder or Malpractice; when dost the twain meet?

Legal declaration in vain; no integrity in the brain

At least Kevorkian’s subjects died at will and bore no shackles or leg irons; free, then freed

One of him, but many of them, yet, only he was condemned

So whose wrong is right?

O how their souls must burn in the flames of their Hippocratic hypocrisy ignited by their audacity to call themselves “civilized”

But civil lies in the hearts and minds of those who expose the civil lies

Or the un-civil lies outlined in a manifesto to reveal the uncivilized

The dichotomy is in the context along with the devil in the details, but even Lucifer was an angel; fallen

It’s no coincidence that police work is called “details” as the devil now finds his haven in the LAPD and Christopher Dorner as one of it’s angels; fallen

Now burned; blown back into the fiery hallows of hell by his brethren to bury his charred ashes beneath the same lies that ignited him

Vilified for being the lone angel who rolled back the blue rampart to reveal the still-corrupt pit of hell that continues to burn the Innocent under the guise of servitude and protection, he offers evil the same evil that it bestowed upon others

Liars And Peace Destroyers
Lobbying Against Public Disclosure

Long After Persecuting Dorner


One of him, but many of them, yet, only he was condemned

So whose wrong is right?

Some would say both

Others would say neither, citing that killing never solves any problems

But if killing never solves any problems then maybe you should ask your country why it is at war

Drones condoned; Dorner condemned

The Pentagon now offers medals for droners while the pentagram offers only metals for Dorner; lead and incendiary

Droner, Dorner, Droner, Dorner, Droner, Dorner.........

The coincidence is astounding as Truth comes to remind us that coincidences do not exist, only synchronicities

But what’s in a name?

One would say “everything” in it’s quest for exoneration as both search for terrorists and High Value Targets

Dorner appeals for the Devil to admit that he’s the Devil but the Devil’s power lies in his ability to deny that he is himself

No apologies, only fire, as the Integrous and the Innocent succumb to the weight of bombs and tears

Truth silenced for now as angels and sleeping giants are slowly awakened

One of him, but many of them, yet and still the soulless go unchallenged

So whose wrong is right?
