Thursday, February 21, 2013

Chrisopher Dorner and other American Dichotomies

Two wrongs don’t make a right

Or do they?

We convict a man for murder then we sentence him to death and murder him


Lethal injection in the vein; electricity to the brain

Administered by physicians who’ve sworn the Hippocratic oath to ethically and honestly save the lives that they didn’t

Murder or Malpractice; when dost the twain meet?

Legal declaration in vain; no integrity in the brain

At least Kevorkian’s subjects died at will and bore no shackles or leg irons; free, then freed

One of him, but many of them, yet, only he was condemned

So whose wrong is right?

O how their souls must burn in the flames of their Hippocratic hypocrisy ignited by their audacity to call themselves “civilized”

But civil lies in the hearts and minds of those who expose the civil lies

Or the un-civil lies outlined in a manifesto to reveal the uncivilized

The dichotomy is in the context along with the devil in the details, but even Lucifer was an angel; fallen

It’s no coincidence that police work is called “details” as the devil now finds his haven in the LAPD and Christopher Dorner as one of it’s angels; fallen

Now burned; blown back into the fiery hallows of hell by his brethren to bury his charred ashes beneath the same lies that ignited him

Vilified for being the lone angel who rolled back the blue rampart to reveal the still-corrupt pit of hell that continues to burn the Innocent under the guise of servitude and protection, he offers evil the same evil that it bestowed upon others

Liars And Peace Destroyers
Lobbying Against Public Disclosure

Long After Persecuting Dorner


One of him, but many of them, yet, only he was condemned

So whose wrong is right?

Some would say both

Others would say neither, citing that killing never solves any problems

But if killing never solves any problems then maybe you should ask your country why it is at war

Drones condoned; Dorner condemned

The Pentagon now offers medals for droners while the pentagram offers only metals for Dorner; lead and incendiary

Droner, Dorner, Droner, Dorner, Droner, Dorner.........

The coincidence is astounding as Truth comes to remind us that coincidences do not exist, only synchronicities

But what’s in a name?

One would say “everything” in it’s quest for exoneration as both search for terrorists and High Value Targets

Dorner appeals for the Devil to admit that he’s the Devil but the Devil’s power lies in his ability to deny that he is himself

No apologies, only fire, as the Integrous and the Innocent succumb to the weight of bombs and tears

Truth silenced for now as angels and sleeping giants are slowly awakened

One of him, but many of them, yet and still the soulless go unchallenged

So whose wrong is right?


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