Covid-19 is The Monster of Ravenna
and the Demon King Ravana
Written By: Tungz
A wise man
once said: “Myths aren’t stories that are untrue. Rather, they are truths
disguised as stories.”
There is no
myth nor legend more befitting at this present time than the long
misinterpreted and misunderstood story of the Monster of Ravenna that was birthed
on March 8th of 1512.
The story of
the Monster of Ravenna goes as follows:
In Ravenna, the child of a nun and a friar was born, bearing a horn
on its head straight up like a sword, and instead of arms it had wings like
that of a bat or a bird, and at the height of its breast it had the letters
‘XVY’, and lower down at the waist, two serpents. It was a hermaphrodite, and
on the right leg it had an eye, and it’s left leg was scaly with a cloven foot.
(Exhibit A, Fig.
There have
been minor variances in the story as it relates to the description of the
monster, and the images and illustrations also have since morphed and varied
over time, presumably, due to different artistic expressions and renderings of
the same beast.
this couldn’t be further from the truth.
Rather than
being different artistic expressions of the same monster, these
subsequent illustrations are instead depictions of different versions
and/or creations of related monsters; not unlike the various monsters
that plague us today that have commonly become known as coronaviruses
with the latest and vilest of them all being popularly known as “COVID-19” or
Simply put –
and as will be illustrated here - the Monster of Ravenna as well as the demon
God, Ravana, of Indian lore are both exact representations of COVID-19 as well
as other weapons of biological and nuclear warfare.
the Monster of Ravenna myth provides an illustration of the physical composition
of the virus, while the rakshasa god Ravana describes the virus’ purpose as
well as how it attacks.
We will
delve more into that shortly.
But first, albeit
not the intent nor the capability of this writer to provide a verbose and/or detailed extrapolation of 21st
century coronaviruses, we believe that it would be beneficial to at least
provide a high-level overview and reminder of the biological beasts of recent infamy
- namely SARS, MERS, SADS, and lastly SARS-CoV-2 – as a means of establishing and highlighting
the continuum of a sophisticated-yet-unnatural viral evolution that surreptitiously
has culminated into the lethal monster and demonic weapon popularly known as
(Exhibit B)
SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory
Syndrome): Being the first pandemic transmissible disease of the 21st
century of previously unknown origin, virological and serological studies later
indicated that horseshoe bats and masked palm civets were the reservoir and
intermediate host(s), respectively, of SARS-like coronaviruses, which then
quickly evolved and adapted within a very short timeframe (see Exhibit B).
MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome):
Identified in 2012 during an outbreak in the Arabian Peninsula and across North
Africa, MERS (aka MERS-CoV) caused a spectrum of respiratory illnesses that
reportedly spread from dromedary camels to humans as well as via symptomatic
human-to-human transmission. Although it
is suspected that the Egyptian Tomb bat is the originating host of this virus
with camels being the reservoir hosts (see Exhibit B), epidemiologic evidence
of their role in transmission is lacking. Likewise, because a large proportion
of case-patients do not report direct contact with camels or with persons who
have symptomatic MERS, transmission mechanism still have yet to have been
conclusively identified or determined.
SADS (Swine Acute Diarrhea Syndrome):
Emerging in 2016 as a novel coronavirus deriving from the HKU2 virus found in
Horseshoe bats, SADS-CoV infected herds of swine in Guangdong, China, resulting
in severe diarrhea, vomiting, and death in scores of piglets. Later tests found
that SADS also had the ability to replicate in human liver, gut, and airway
SARS-CoV-2 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus 2): First emerging in Wuhan, China, in December of 2019 to then spreading to the rest of the world, SARS-CoV-2, the causative agent for the current coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic that has killed millions to date, is suspected to have the same origins as the SARS virus with the exception of the intermediate host being theorized to be Malayan pangolins.
several investigative works found evidence of the presence of viruses related
to SARS-CoV-2 in Malayan pangolins, further studies later reported that the
binding affinity of the pangolin ACE2 receptor for the receptor-binding domain
(RBD) of the virus was extremely low. Meaning, that although the presence of
the virus was indeed found in pangolins, the viruses lacked the ability to gain
entry and infect the pangolins host cells, thus, discounting the pangolin from
being an intermediary host by way of “natural” zoonotic transmissions to
It must also
be noted that along with the very rapid evolutionary rate of these coronaviruses,
the exact mechanism or means by which they “jump” to the human anatomy (aka
zoonotic transmission) is still unclear and remains a mystery,
In fact, the document below – which was release by an organization called DRASTIC – demonstrates a collaborative effort and intent between the Wuhan Institute and the EcoHealth Alliance to fund a gain-of-function research program to alter a SARS coronavirus to more efficiently infect and kill humans.
With that being said, if one were to look closely at the Monster of Ravenna in Exhibit A, Fig. XXVIII, and compare it to the animal-virus connection detailed in Exhibit B, you will see that there is a direct correlation of each intermediate viral host to the physical composition of the monster.
For example, presuming that the illustration of the Monster of Ravenna in Exhibit A, Fig.
XXVIII, is a mirror image of that of the reader (meaning,
the left side of the reader is also the left side of the Monster),,
you will see that there is a distinct difference between the left and right
side of the Monster’s face and ears.
The left
side of the Monster’s face (the side with the larger ear) is that of the Palm
civet, while the right side of the monster’s face (with the smaller ear and
elongated mouth) is that of the dromedary camel. There is even a distinctive
line drawn down from the forehead to the mid-brow to further distinguish the differences between the
left and right side of the monster’s face. These are representations of the
SARS and MERS viruses, respectively.
If we look
at the Monster’s right leg (the one with the eye at the knee, to be discussed
in greater detail later), you will notice distinctive hairs or bristles emanating
from the upper thigh. The is symbolic of swine, or more specifically, the SADS
virus while the lower portion of the leg is humanoid, representing the merging
or combining of the animal viruses with that of the human anatomy or DNA.
Along with
the bat and/or bird-like wings protruding from the sides of the Monster which symbolizes
the viruses mobility of flight (i.e. airborne, aerosolized), the bat viral origins
are also represented by way of the textured lines on the Monster’s upper left thigh resembling the wing
membrane or skin of bats, while the scales on the lower part of the left leg
represent those of the Malayan pangolin.
Being a
conglomeration of the aforementioned viruses, the muscular stockiness of the
Monster speaks to its strength and fortitude, while the other enigmatic
markings and protrusions reveal a much deeper and more sinister intent behind
the creation of this biotechnological Frankenstein weapon of sorts which we
will discuss further in the upcoming section.
But before
we do, let us first revisit the story of the Monster of Ravenna and discuss its
meaning and symbolism. We will also include the parallels of the COVID-19
monster to that of the demon god Ravenna as well as his league of rakshashas in Part II of this writing.
The Monster
of Ravenna:
In Ravenna, the child of a nun and a friar was
born, bearing a horn on its head straight up like a sword, and instead of arms
it had wings like that of a bat or a bird, and at the height of its breast it had the letters ‘XVY’, and lower down at the waist, two serpents. It was a hermaphrodite, and on
the right leg it had an eye, and it’s left leg was scaly with a cloven
Now let’s
start dissecting the symbolism.
“In Ravenna, the child of a nun and a friar was born.”
Friars and
nuns are members of the Christian orthodoxy or a monastic order (commonly, Catholicism)
who have avowed a life of poverty, chastity, and obedience among other things. Therefore,
the birth of the child between the friar and nun is not referencing a sexual
conception or birth, but instead, an ideological conceptualization, creation,
and birth of a detestable “thing,” or monster as it were.
This is indicating that this monster was conceptualized and/or created by the effort, direction, or influence of the Catholic church- or a faction thereof - or a supreme power or cabal; perhaps for the reasons of religious intolerance and control.
Such a claim is by no means a
far-fetched nor unwarrantedly blasphemous conclusion, particularly, if we
consider the historical monstrosities of torture and death that were created
and used by the Catholic orthodoxy against “heretics and undesirables” during
the many Christian Crusades and Inquisitions; the Spanish Inquisition in particular.
In fact, in
Burgos, Castille-Leon, Spain, there is a well-known cathedral by the name of
Capilla del Condestable (Cathedral of Burgos), that, at the entrance of its chapel
dedicated to the Purification of the Virgin Mary, exists a carving of the
Monster of Ravenna at the base of the capital sculpture (see below).
Something worthy of noting is that Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and
Infectious Diseases (NIAID), is a self-proclaimed Jesuit; a religious order of
the Catholic church, also known as the Society of Jesus, that was founded in the
16th century by Ignatius of Loyola.
Ignatius of
Loyola was a priest whom - with 6 other members mainly of Castilian origin - met
in Montmarte on August 15, 1534 to pronounce the evangelical counsels of chastity,
poverty, and obedience (i.e. became friars).
The Jesuits are consecrated under – or sacredly associated with – the patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary (i.e. the nun).
Therefore, there is a clear association of the Monster of Ravenna to the Catholic church, just as there is also a clear history of religious persecution, intolerance, and torture committed at the behest of the Catholic church by way of unique and sadistic contraptions, all of which brings us to the next line.
“…bearing a horn on its head straight up like a sword.”
Horns are tools
that animals who have them use as weapons; generally for protection or
aggression. For either reason, its use is to inflict harm. Historically in myths and lore, horns symbolized power,
supremacy, as well as directed intent and/or action, and were often adorned by
warriors and royalty.
is its use here as that there is a distinction or comparison made between the
horn and a sword (i.e. “horn on its head straight up
like a sword.”). As both are weapons that are used to gore or stab, the
main difference between the two is that one is organic/biological (i.e. horn),
while the other is man-made and forged out of inorganic material (i.e. metal).
This is
indicating that the “monster” is a weapon of organic or biological origin
and/or material that was made with directed intent – perhaps for protection or
aggression – that is wielded by warriors and/or royalty for the purpose of power
and/or supremacy (i.e. war).
“…and instead of arms it had wings like that of a bat or a bird.”
symbolism of this line is two-fold: On one hand, and as previously stated, this
line is indicating that as opposed to “grabbing” its victims, this
monster/virus/weapon instead captures its victims by way of flight or by flying
through the air (i.e. airborne, aerosolized). Secondly, this line is also describing
a fundamental physical characteristic, composition, or origin of the virus
(i.e. bat virus, avian virus).
“…and at the height of its breast it had the letters ‘XVY’,
and lower down at the waist, two serpents.”
This sentence
is extremely important in that not only does it imply the target of
which this virus/weapon is directed and is most impactful, but it also describes
the methodology of how it attacks and spreads.
But first,
it must be noted that the two serpents “lower down
at the waist” aren’t serpents at all, but rather, they are tentacle-like
projections - more specifically, filopodia - that are the projections by which the
cells that are infected by the monster/virus use to pierce through the
cytoplasm of neighboring cells in order to deposit payloads of viral poisons
into the cell RNA, effectively, and exponentially, spreading the virus
throughout the system. More on this shortly.
If you look at the illustration of the Monster of Ravenna (Exhibit A, Figure XXVIII), you will notice that the letters “XVY” on the monster’s breast are arranged in a common placement as that of heraldic charges (i.e. in 3’s) which were typical of coat-of-arms escutcheons that knights would bear on their breastplates or shields when entering into battle.
Aside from the
charges denoting loyalty and distinguishing the knights from their enemy, the
charge symbols also represented the strengths, abilities, and warfare
characteristics of its bearer (i.e. Lion = bravery, Eagle = power, etc.).
As such, the
symbols on this monster’s beast serves the same purpose.
starters, one of the implications of the “XVY” is in reference to the XY
chromosome, or rather, the male species, of which SARS-CoV-2 has had - by
design - a higher mortality rate. This vulnerability exists by way of the
virus’ ability to exploit surface protein variables in the Y Chromosome (a gene
that females lack).
the “XVY” is also in reference to chromosome XV, a species of eukaryotic
budding yeast called Saccharomyces Cerevisiae that researchers of cell biology
have used as a simpler and faster system to propagate viruses. Chromosome XV
contains a highly polymorphic segment – both among individual strains and among
different chromosome ends - known as the sub-telomeric X and Y’ elements
(hence, “XVY”) where key signaling and reporting genes and proteins reside.
More specifically,
this is referring to a designer, synthetic version of the Saccharomyces
Cerevisiae yeast chromosome better known as “Chromosome V,” “synV,” or “Sc2.0.”
This designer yeast genome was created by a synthetic biology team of which the
successful effort was published in Science magazine on March 10, 2017.
In short, as
that a deep dive into synthetic genome biology or cellular genetics is not the
intent of this writing, SARS-CoV-2, along with its purported vaccine, is a
man-made virus or device that utilizes the synthetic yeast Chromosome V genome
(aka synV or Sc2.0) as a shuttle vector to co-opt human host protein within the
sub-telomeric X and Y’ elements (again, hence “XVY”) via a process known as
phosphorylation, of which it injects a viral payload of heterochromatin to
manipulate and control human proteins, and thus cellular activity and
Within this
process, the virus high-jacks kinases - primarily, casein kinase II (CK2), phosphatidylinositol
5-kinase (PIKFYVE), cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs), and kinases within the
p38/MAP kinase pathway – in order to suppress cellular signaling and response, while
leveraging the polymorphic properties of the X and Y’ elements to repeatedly
change its appearance, signature, and/or expression, effectively maximizing the
viral infection and damage of cells by not only disabling the immune system’s
ability to detect and respond, but also by allowing the virus to morph into a
myriad of different pathogens.
Simply put,
the virus has been evolved to not only have a gain of function to allow it to easily infect humans, but to also have the ability to make itself invisible to the
immune system by disabling proteins and messenger cells while rapidly and systematically
executing a variety of attacks and diseases against cells and vital organs
before the immune system is able to respond quickly and effectively.
The monster/virus/weapon delivers its viral N protein payload by way of tentacle-like protrusions (aka filopodia) that it creates by co-opting the human CK2 kinase which it then extends to pierce and proliferate neighboring cells. The infected cells then replicate and repeat the process, virtually converting the infected cells into zombies that then extend longer filopodia containing buds of viral protein, allowing for exponentially aggressive cell-to-cell spreading (see image below).
Electron microscopy image of Vero E6 cells infected with SARS-CoV-2 virus, the causative agent of COVID-19, produce filopodia protrusions (finger-like projections) extending out from the cell surface to enable budding of viral particles (circular spheres) and infection of nearby cells. Photo credits to Dr. Elizabeth Fischer, NIAID/NIH.
This exact viral
activity was metaphorically chronicled in an ancient Hindu epic myth known as
the Ramayana, where Indrajit, the eldest son of the demon-god Ravana,
engages in a fierce battle with two brothers - Rama and Lakshmana – of which he
deploys a devastating astra (i.e. weapon) called the naga-pasha (snake weapon).
following is an excerpt of a version of this battle in the Ramayana:
“The battle
that ensued was fierce. Barely were Rama and Lakshmana able to counter the
volleys of arrows that seemed to just shower from Indrajit's bow. Indrajit was,
in addition, an adept sorcerer and every now and then he would make his chariot
disappear. He would then reappear somewhere else and resume firing, thus
distracting and disorienting Rama and Lakshmana. He would also freely
use deva-astras, or celestial weapons. Rama would come up with
counter-attacks, but Indrajit's attacks would only grow fiercer. Day faded to
dusk and the battle showed no sign of stopping. Even the greatest warrior
must surely tire? But not Indrajit, who was relentless in his aggression. Rama
and Lakshmana fought the exhaustion that was inevitable to come to their own mortal
bodies and kept up their resistance. Indrajit sensed their exhaustion and knew
that soon the consummate fighting engine that was Rama-Lakshmana would start
slowing down. They were still far from their physical limit, but their reflexes
were getting perceptibly slower. So Indrajit started disappearing and
re-appearing with the sole intention of dazing them. Before they could aim
their arrows at him, he was gone. It was not something they were unprepared
for, but even caution could do only so much in the face of pure randomness.
When they first saw it, it appeared nothing
different from a tendril of smoke. But this particular tendril did not drift
away and dissipate like the others did. This came towards them purposefully.
Before they could register that fully and react, it altered itself
dramatically. It solidified into a gigantic shapeless capsule and broke open
almost immediately, raining upon them a number of crawling, slithering and
deadly venomous snakes and worms. With several million individual hisses, synchronized
perfectly to be heard as one menacing "Hiss," the reptiles and
invertebrates attacked the two brothers. Two bows dropped to the ground,
followed by the two individuals that had held them. Their bodies were
unrecognizable for the venomous beings multiplied at an alarming rate and
covered them completely.
The fangs of snakes were rooted into every inch
of flesh exposed and worms entered their bodies through the punctures made by
the fangs. If the Brahma-astra was the most devastating "nuclear"
weapon, the Naga-pasha was the most potent "biological"
killer. One resulted in annihilation, the other in rot.
Indrajit's Naga-pasha was all the more destructive because of the
special serpents whose venom it contained. Related to the race of Nagas through
his wife Sulochana, the daughter of Anantha Adi-Sesha, Indrajit commanded the
service of the deadliest known members of Naga-kind. He had further
modified the astra to include even destructive worms and maggots that
destroyed an organism completely, leaving no trace of its existence.”
allegorical epic goes further into describing the aftermath – in great and
accurate detail – that this “weapon” has on the immune system, as well as the previous
attacks that precipitated the grand battle and eventual demise of its
However, we
will delve more into Ravana and the many battles of the Ramayana in Part
II of this writing.
For now, we
will continue dissecting the symbolism of the Monster of Ravenna as we will
later display how the two mythological beings of different eras – Ravenna and
Ravana - are intrinsically linked. The
similarities of their names is not by coincidence or happenstance.
“It was a hermaphrodite,”
The presence
of both male and female sex organs in the drawing of the Monster of Ravenna is
not indicative of it being a hermaphrodite, but rather, it’s a symbolic
inference to the virus’ ability to self-replicate.
“and on the right leg it had an eye,”
This line
has a dual meaning.
As that the
eye is located at the knee of the human portion of the leg, on one hand,
indicates that the movement of this monster/virus/weapon is guided and directed
by human oversight and control as opposed to by way of zoonotic happenstance or
the eye in the knee indicates that this monster/virus/weapon “sees” (i.e. tracks,
monitors, etc.) human movement and activity; perhaps by way of telecommunication
infrastructures that interfaces with the virus via a cellular/molecular operating
system that leverages high-frequency rf waves for data transmissions (i.e. 5G).
In short,
the monster “sees” and/or “tracks” human movement and activity (i.e.
biometrics, geo-location, imaging, etc.) and its movement is seen, guided, and
monitored by humans.
Continuing on, you will notice on the left side of monster’s chest, just beneath the “V”, is a crescent-shaped emblem. This symbol is a product of Hawaiian mythology and is known as “Wet Moon” and/or a “Cheshire Moon.”
The “Wet
Moon” is a visual phenomenon of the moon where the “horns” of the crescent moon
point upwards away from the horizon and presents a shape like that of a bowl
that holds rain water (hence “wet”). This phenomenon is also referred to as the
“Cheshire Moon” as that this conjunction – which is the result of the
positioning of the Earth and Moon - resembles the grin of the Cheshire Cat in
the novel, “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.”
In the
Northern hemisphere, this phenomenon commonly occurs between January 20 to
February 18 which is during the sign of The Water Bearer (hence again, “wet”).
During the time period that follows, and due to the change of positioning relative
to the Earth and Moon, the bowl then appears to tip or tilt, releasing the
water that it is holding, which then creates the rainy season. This resultant phenomenon
is thus then called the “dry moon” (hence, bowl is now dry as it pours out the
This symbol
is placed on the monster’s breast as means of denoting and outlining the time period
or timeframe in which this monster/virus/weapon will make its grand appearance
and impact.
If we look
back at 2020, we will see that the following things, to name a few, occurred
within the “Wet Moon” timeframe:
· January 21 – CDC Confirms First US Coronavirus
· January 21 – Chinese Scientist, Zong Nanshan,
Confirms COVID-19 Human Transmission
· January 23 – Wuhan, China Goes Into Quarantine
· January 30 – The WHO issues Global Health
· February 2 – Global Air Travel Is Restricted
· February 3 – US Declares Public Health
· February 10 – China’s COVID-19 Deaths Exceeds
Those of the SARS Crisis
· February 11 – The WHO officially names the
disease that the virus causes: COVID-19
This timeline
uncannily and accurately outlines the timeframe of which this
monster/virus/weapon made its appearance on the world stage.
The presence
and impact of this monster/virus/weapon has been foretold for centuries.
Its adverse
effects upon humanity and Nature herself have been foreseen to be so profound and
harrowing that its ripple and rips throughout the fabric of time have been felt
and seen by empaths and seers of centuries before. So intense the profundity that
the burning desire and effort to encode a warning by way of mythical and
artistic expression in an effort to propel the Truth through space and time past
the adepts of deceit was worth the risk of the threats and persecution that
existed during their own timeframes.
Nostradamus, a 16th century French astrologer, physician, and seer,
wrote about the Monster of Ravenna in several of his infamous quatrains; namely
Century II-32 and Century I-6.
In fact, the
following quatrain, which is sure to be met with much scrutiny and criticism in
this current era of censorship, seems to impeccably identify the figure who has
become to be known as the de facto expert and information gateway of the
COVID-19 disease: Dr. Anthony Fauci.
Century IV-88
Anthony, great in name, in his
actions base,
at the end will be devoured by lice.
One who is eager for lead, passing the harbor,
will be drowned by the elected one.
While the name is self-explanatory, the phrase, “great in name, in his actions base,” has a dual meaning.
On one hand, it is stating that Anthony Fauci’s name is much greater than his actions, perhaps partially in reference to his many failed attempts at securing vaccine patents in lieu of his popularity as being the de facto expert on the COVID-19 vaccine.
For example, a quote from the Patent Office regarding one of Dr. Fauci’s
applications for a vaccine states, “These arguments are persuasive to the
extent than an antigenic peptide stimulates an immune response that may produce
antibodies that bind to a specific peptide or protein, but it is not persuasive
in regards to a vaccine. The immune response produced by a vaccine must be more
than merely some immune response, but must also be protective as noted in the
previous office action. The art recognizes the term ‘vaccine’ to be a compound
which prevents infection. Applicant has not demonstrated that the instantly
claimed vaccine meets even the lower standard set forth in the specification,
let alone the standard art definition for being operative in regards.”
the second part of this line - “in his actions base” - is also
referring to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).
The NIAID is the federal agency where Dr. Anthony Fauci has served as the
department head for over 36 years, from which he executes directives,
advisories, and actions (hence “actions base”) related to infectious diseases.
He has become most notable for his oft controversial actions and advisories
related to the COVID-19 disease.
the end will be devoured by lice,” is in reference to Anthony
eventually being overwhelmed and overpowered by those he regards as “less
than,” “pests,” and/or “nuisances.”
Additionally, as that lice are parasites, this line is also referring to
the use of Ivermectin and/or Suramin; anti-parasitic drugs that have been used
to treat infestations of various parasites including lice. Suramin has been
considered an “essential drug” by the WHO for well over a century now despite
its unavailability to the general public, and Ivermectin is now being clinically
tested and recommended by many (with the exception of the adherents of Anthony)
as being a viable treatment for the COVID-19 disease.
who is eager to lead” is in reference to Dr. Fauci’s apparent desire
and/or effort to doggedly acquire and retain positions of leadership, who, in
the opinions of many scientists within the immunology and virology industry, is
an incredulous figure who is unworthy of the credit that he has claimed.
the harbor” has a meaning that is three-fold.
On one hand
it is referring to Anthony’s participation in the funding of the Wuhan
Institute of Virology lab in Wuhan, China in order to conduct coronavirus
gain-of-function research and modifications that were illegal to conduct in the
U.S. (hence, “passing the harbor”) which also constitutes a violation and/or overstepping (i.e. "passing") of the Safe "Harbor" laws and regulations.
the harbor” is also in in reference to Anthony’s position within the
NIAID affording him the opportunity to do good and great things, however,
passing upon this vast opportunity to instead engage in nefarious and humanly destructive
The final
line - “will be drowned by the elected one” - is stating that
Anthony will be taken down/under by the efforts of an individual that will be
chosen/elected by the people; not necessarily a politically or formally elected
person, but instead, one who will be truly chosen and elected based on the integrity
of their action and credibility.
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