Nostradamus on Donald Trump and Elon Musk: The Adepts of Deceit
Century V-75
He will rise high over his
more to the right, he will
remain seated on the square stone;
towards the south placed at
window, a crooked staff in
his hand,
his mouth sealed.
The opening
lines of this quatrain – “He will rise high over his
wealth, more to the right” – are in reference to both Elon Musk and
Donald Trump; both of whom have not only gained notoriety and world-renown due
to their wealth, but also, both whose political leanings as Republicans are “more to the right.”
Moreover, “rise high over his wealth” alludes to Musk’s
SpaceX technology company that has made advancements in rocket propulsion,
satellite technology, and human spaceflight, to name a few. This line also
references Trump and his high-rise building,
Trump Tower, which has become a representation of his wealth and success.
I recognize that this initial correlation may seem like a stretch to cynics and
naysayers but stay with me. The associations will soon become quite clear and apparent**
The next
line – “he will remain seated on the square stone”
– adds extensive context and depth into the machinations and character of both Donald
Trump and Elon Musk.
starters, this line is in reference to the myth of Sisyphus, a king in Greek
mythology who ruled Corinth, who, as a punishment for his inhumane acts and betrayal
of divine order, was forced by the gods to eternally roll a square stone up a steep hill. By extension, this line
is also in reference to Sisyphus’s brother, Salmoneus, both of whom hated each
represents Donald Trump, and Salmoneus represents Elon Musk, with the word
“brother” representing their unity in purpose, not by blood.
**Note: I elaborate on this relationship
in greater detail in an up-coming article entitled, “Brothers in Hate: How the
Myths of Sisyphus and Salmoneus are the Truths of Donald Trump and Elon Musk” **
Sisyphus was
described as an avaricious, deceitful, and tyrannical king who killed guests
and visitors (i.e. immigrants) of the grounds that he ruled to show off his
power and maintain his iron-fisted rule. He promoted “navigation and commerce,”
which, as it relates to this quatrain, references both Elon Musk’s and Donald
Trump’s interests and vocations, respectively.
angered Zeus due to his manipulation of the other gods in addition to his mistreatment
of guests and visitors. Zeus was furthered perturbed by Sisyphus having cheated
death twice (i.e. Trump impeached twice;
two purported assassination attempts, etc.).
In Greek
mythology, Zeus is the god of Divine Power, Law, and Justice who has been
bestowed the role and responsibility of leading the gods and humankind towards
‘union’; to allow and facilitate a realization of unity with the Universe,
Nature, and other human beings.
thunderbolt, Keraunos, is the manifestation of the natural forces of the
universe that he wields to shock things back into a natural rhythm and balance
as a means of maintaining divine law and order.
In the microcosm
of human affairs and society, Zeus represents the manifestation of these same divine
ideals of fairness, balance, and justice in the activities of mankind as well
as the manmade constructs that enables the application and enforcement of them
(i.e. Congress, Senate, House or Representatives, etc.).
The other
gods, specifically as it relates to Zeus’ siblings, are the supporting forces
who assist in maintaining the balance and continuance of this divine power of
law and order (i.e. Hades represents “punishment”, etc.).
For example,
in one encounter Sisyphus betrayed Zeus by revealing his secrets which caused a
“spring to flow on the Corithian acropolis” (i.e. infringements upon the U.S.
Capitol). This subsequently resulted in an altercation with Thanatos (i.e. due
process; pre-death) to commit him to Tartarus (i.e. prison), which perfectly
analogizes not only Trump’s first and second impeachments, but also, the impending
economic, social, and political unrest to occur due to his nefarious activity.
**Note: A lot more on this VERY soon**
“Seated on the square stone” is also in reference
to the Justice tarot card. This card features a crowned Lady Justice sitting on
a square stone as she holds a sword in her right hand pointing upwards
symbolizing “intellect,” and the scales in her left hand pointing downwards to
symbolize “balance,” altogether symbolizing “truth, fairness, and law;” the square stone itself
symbolizing the standards, morals, values, and laws - divine and man-made - upon
which she sits.
However, the
following sentence – “towards the south placed…”
- indicates that this card is in a reversed position (i.e. upside down).
In Tarot, when
the Justice card is upright it symbolizes Fairness, Balance, Truth,
Responsibility, and Clarity.
when the Justice card is reversed as indicated in this quatrian, it symbolizes Injustice,
Dishonesty, Avoidance of Responsibility, Conflict, and Unethical
Behavior; this being indicative of the character and behavior of the aforementioned
individuals. (Read more about the Justice tarot card here: Justice
Tarot Card Meanings | Biddy Tarot )
“Towards the south placed at the window” is also
indicative of where these maleficent individuals will direct and encourage
their unjust and unethical behavior – towards the South of the country – whilst
they watch and observe the activity (i.e. “placed at
the window”).
The final
sentence – “a crooked staff in his hand, his mouth
sealed” – also provides more depth within its layered meanings.
On one hand,
“a crooked staff in his hand” is in
reference to the swastika and the burning cross as that Trump and Musk are
involved with the American Nazi Party and Ku Klux Klan, respectively. However,
they will be very secret and covert about their affiliation (i.e. “his mouth sealed”).
On the other
hand, this line also refers to a team of dubious personnel (i.e. crooked staff) that will
be at their disposal (i.e. “in his hand”) to carry out their unjust and
unethical acts which is to overthrow the America government as it is presently
It is extremely important to emphasize that the line – “placed at the window” – also references the cowardly and nefarious
acts of old that the followers of these corrupt leaders will commit; from
bombing homes and buildings - not unlike the notorious 16th Street
Baptist Church bombing that has since been memorialized by the placement of a
stained-glass window known as the Wales Window
for Alabama – to shooting people from the windows of tall buildings (i.e. placed at the window). The 1966 KKK Firebombing case (FBI
— A Byte Out of History - The 1966 KKK Firebombing ) is one of many examples of the acts
that these poltroons will commit. Beware and be aware! Forewarned is forearmed.
due to the actions of Zeus and the gods (i.e. the purveyors and protectors of
law and order), the efforts of these leaders and their staff will ultimately fail
despite the disruption and discomfort caused by their discordant, reckless, and
unjust activity.
The acts and
efforts of Sisyphus et al will be aberrations against the divine law and order
of the universe because they will be divisive, self-serving, imbalanced, and against
Nature (i.e. hence the stone being square). Resultantly, Zeus and the gods will condemn
Sisyphus to push his square stone (i.e. unnatural and unjust values, laws, and
morals) up a steep hill, which, in some interpretations of the myth, gets
further away as it nears the apex, only to tumble back down to the bottom. Sisyphus
is suffered to continue this act in perpetuity, making his life so miserable
that he desires death.
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