Is Elon Musk the Antichrist?
Aside from the bang draping over the right eyebrow in the composite sketch the likeness is spot on, even more so in the description provide by the observer: "His hair is dark, straight, and parted on the left side. It is cut the way that someone in business would cut it. His cheekbones are high. His jaw line is short. There's something about the proportion of his cheekbones to his eyes. It's as if his jaw line is slightly shorter than it should be. That his face should perhaps be a lot longer to be more balanced. It is almost a combination of a squarish face and a rectangle, at the same time." (Cannon, 2001, p. 335).
Furthermore, in Nostradamus' Century IX-44 quatrain he offers a name for the Antichrist: RAYPOZ.
The quatrain reads as follows:
Leave, leave Geneva everyone,
Saturn will change from gold into iron.
Those against RAYPOZ will all be exterminated.
Before the rush the sky will show signs
The name RAYPOZ is an anagram for RPOTUS, and RPOTUS is an acronym for "Real President Of The United States;" a nickname that not only has already been attached to Elon Musk, but is one that will become even more commonplace in the near future.
Even the similarities in the phonetic pronunciation of both names becomes apparent: RAE-POZE vs RAE-PO-TUZ.
"Leave, leave, Geneva everyone, Saturn will change from gold into iron," is indicative of the campaign that RAYPOZ/RPOTUS will leverage against Geneva, Switzerland, a country whose foreign policy regarding armed conflict has historically been neutral (as indicated by "gold"). However, because of this threat, Switzerland will change her position and use her gold towards warfare (as indicated by changing into iron) in order to protect and defend herself from the attacks levied by this individual.
From an astrological standpoint, Saturn changing from gold to iron is representative of Saturn changing from Leo (represented by gold) to Aries (represented by iron).
The negative aspect of a Saturn in Leo denotes an authoritarian, inexpressive personality who struggles to go with the flow; instead, preferring to force their way. The negative traits of this individual are: Egoistic, Forceful, Hostile, Tyrannical, and Unforgiving. This indicates how RAYPOZ/RPOTUS will begin.
Conversely, the negative aspect of Saturn in Aries indicates an unyielding individual who does not see eye-to-eye with authority figures, preferring to act unilaterally and forcibly. The negative traits associated with this placement are: Conflicted, Insolent, Repressed, Tensed, and Unfocused. This is indicative of how RAYPOZ/RPOTUS individual will operate.
Additionally, Aries is ruled by Mars which indicates wars and conflicts which perhaps sheds a little more light as it relates to the nature of this campaign.
Saturn traverses into Aries around May 25, 2025 (5/25/2025), so it is likely around this time when this campaign will either begin or become quite apparent.
"Before the rush the sky will show signs" is not only indicative of the aforementioned planetary and astrological placements but it is also indicative of the weaponry (i.e. planes, satellites, drones, etc.) that will be positioned in the sky preceding the campaign.
Forewarned is forearmed.
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